Patents & Cyberspace
Nite Glow Industries Inc., et al. v. Central Garden & Pet Company, et al., District of New Jersey, 2018, testimony at trial, estimation of damages related to patent infringement for pet goods products.
Nouis Technologies v. Polaris Industries) W. D. Wisc., 2015, report, matter involving patent infringement for clutch components in all-terrain vehicles
Brian Lemper, M.D. v. Legacy IP, LLC, Superior Court of Nevada, 2015, deposition, matter involving purported breach of contract in procuring patent application for medical technology
Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization Ltd. v. Micro Systemation AB, Northern District of Virginia, 2014, report, estimated damages for copyright infringement of intelligence software designed to remove records from suspect cell phones.
Scott E. D. Skyrm v. Newedge USA, LLC, FINRA Dispute Resolution #12-02346, 2014, testimony, valuation of damages resulting from copyright infringement of data format in online financial newsletter.
Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation v. Media Journal, Inc., et al., Central District of California, 2014, declaration in support of plaintiff in anti-circumvention liability.
Virtual Studios v. Beaulieu Group, LLC, Eastern District of Tennessee, 2013, report, valuation of damages involving copyright infringement of design software for virtual display of interior designs.
TVB Holdings (USA),.Inc. v. Tai Lake Communication,.Inc., Central District of California, 2013, report, regarding economic harm created by circumvention device that breached access and copyright protection on Asian programming.
James DeCordova v. MCG Nevada,.Inc., Central District of California, 2012, report, valuation of damages resulting from patent infringement for a sleep-enhancing device.
BanxCorp. v. Costco Wholesale Corporation,.Inc., et al., Southern District of New York, 2012, report, valuation of damages resulting from infringing use of compilation data in an online banking service.
Robert Jacobsen v. Matthew Katzer, Northern District of California, 2009, report, estimated damages in landmark copyright case involving copyright infringement of open source software created by world-renowned Berkeley professor.
Centrifugal Force,.Inc. v. Softnet, et al., Southern District of New York, 2009, report, valuation of damages resulting from copyright infringement of operations software.
Frogsware, Ltd. v. Viva Media, et al., Southern District of New York, 2009, consultant, assisted video game designer for recovery of damages resulting from a breach of contract and copyright infringement of video game software.
Carpal Therapy, Inc., and David Graston v. Jennifer Graham, Esq., Marian County Superior Court of Indiana, 2008, report and deposition, estimated commercial losses for inventor of medical technology for loss of rights to intellectual property.
Great Lakes Intellectual Property, Ltd. v. Sakar International, Inc., Western District of Michigan, 2006, report, valuation of reasonable royalties for patent infringement in a graphical user interface chip.
Frederic H. Martini v. Pearson Education Services, Northern District of California, 2005, report, estimated damages for website infringements of prominent illustrator by leading publisher of medical books.
Sandi Gray, et al. v. eUniverse,.Inc., et al., Eastern District of Texas, consultant, 2004; valuation for copyright infringement of poetry, prose, and photography by digital provider of shared content.
General Electric v. Kodak, 2002, consultant, assisted General Electric in valuation of semiconductor portfolio in patent infringement matter.
RIAA v. MP3Board, Southern District of New York, 2001, report and deposition, involving the economic effects of search engines that post links to infringing material.